Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Birthday pictures 3

A picture and some travel advice from a friend.  Not sure if she knew this, but crispy cheese (what I call "cheese scab") is my favorite food of all time:

Here is a picture of a cheeseburger from Shady Glen. Manchester Connecticut (where I'm from) is known for three things:

1. Silk Worms
2. Being the retail capital of CT (all of the stores, all of the time)
3. Shady Glen cheeseburgers

If you were a theater kid growing up in Manchester (or any of the surrounding towns) you went to a post show dinner at Shady Glen. And if you weren't a sociopath, you ordered a cheeseburger (or a grilled cheese sandwich, but only if you were vegetarian/trying to impress a dude).

The trick to the Shady Glen cheeseburger is taking three to four slices of American cheese and cooking them on the burger so the cheese on the burger melts into the meat and the cheese on the side fries into this crisp halo of happiness. The result is nothing short of amazing/horrifying (but only when you think of what you're putting into your body).

I highly recommend it. IF YOU GO, DO NOT GO TO THE SHADY GLEN IN THE PARKADE. I cannot stress this enough.

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